*photo by MW
It may cause you to behave inappropriately with the next fertile human being to stumble across your path.

There is also gratuitous cuteness contained herewith.

(Side note: Doesn't MW have great-looking teeth?)

Whadd're yew lookin' at?

*photo by MW
Oh, yer lookin' at me? [bats eyelashes]

*photo by MW
When a new generation moves in, the old one gets unceremoniously shoved out. I tried drooling over my hand, and TFin didn't even give me the time of day.

*photo by MW
You know what, I'll quiet down and just let you revel in the ridiculousness.

*photo by MW
I'm sad I missed out on knowing my other nieces as babies, but from what I can deduce, they only get prettier from this point on.

*photo by MW
That's what they tell me. Prettier than this.

*photo by MW
Yeah, I don't think my heart can take it.
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