The body language says, "oh I'm just loungin'," but the eyes say, "yes I did eat all of those pillows, and I'd do it again."

"But maybe not for a little while. Destroying the dining room muntins has me plum tuckered out."

Buffalo chicken, won't you come out tonight?

One of the great things about being a total photography amateur is shots like this. What's in focus? Why his hind foot, of course. I meant to do that.

No, I wasn't bored. Why do you ask?
My apologies for the slapdash nature of this, gentle readers. I blame the darkening, brooding weather outside and some physical ailments that I'll spare you the details of because a lady doesn't talk about how her UTERUS IS TRYING TO KILL HER.
It's unseemly.
at: 10:58 AM said...
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